UTS Publisher

UTS Template for Manuscript


For manuscripts to be published, the author must comply with the following:

a) The manuscript must be the final writing, not a draft.
b) Number of pages – 49 or more pages as prescribed by UNESCO
c) The type of font must be either Times New Roman or Arial. 16-point size for
Title of Manuscript, 14-point size for heading, and 12-point size for text
d) The manuscript is using a Microsoft Word application and submitted via soft-
e) Writing style (references) is by the American Psychological Association (APA)
f) The Turnitin Report does not exceed 20%.
g) All manuscripts to be submitted to UTS Publisher must contain the following

 Book title
 Half Book Title
 Copyright page
 Table of contents
 Preface
 Foreword (optional)
 Acknowledgement
 Abbreviations
 List of table/ figures
 All text material
 Reference / Bibliography
 Index
 Blurb
 All illustrations and copyright permission letters if necessary

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